Vacation Bible School

Noah's Big Boat

We are thrilled to announce we will be hosting our first VBS in over a decade July 24-27 5:00 pm – 7:30 pm (dinner included).

The theme is:  Noah’s Big Boat! I can trust God!

It will be a week of non-stop fun and learning through lessons. music and crafts! We are looking for volunteers middle school age and up – it will take a village to make this happen! Here are the details:
– Open to ages 3-6 (must be able to use the restroom independently), as the program grows and we gain access to more space in the future, we hope to expand our age groups
– Please email Melissa for a registration form – we have limited spots, so, please confirm by June 15 so we may order t-shirts and plan meals.
– Material fee of $40.00 per attendee (financial support is available if needed)
– We are looking for volunteers for the following: cooking/serving/post-meal clean (2-3), learning stations (4), 1 to grocery shopper July 23 (you will be reimbursed). We’ll have a quick meeting Sunday, July 23 to review/prepare for the week and get the space decorated following mass, the more the better!
Volunteer hours each evening at 4:30 – 8:00 pm each day. Earlier arrival on Monday to be determined.
– Can you help us? We need cardboard boxes – from moving size to appliance size – call Melissa and she can pick them up from you or you can set them in the kitchen and just let Melissa know so she can pick them up right away.
– We do have a very limited and inexpensive material list on Amazon if you would like to participate in that way:

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