The Choir, teenage through adult, provides music for all Sunday Masses, Holy Week services, Easter Day, Christmas Eve, other Holy Days as required, Evensong/Benedictions, Festivals of Lessons and Carols, Requiems and weddings. Guest musicians are used throughout the year. Singers include parishioners and a core group of staff singers. Singers interested in being a part of this Choir should contact Tierrhane Goodwin, Choirmaster.
Singers from Holy Communion’s Choir have provided music for city and community groups, such as Chamber Music Charleston, Bishop Gadsden, and St. Luke’s Chapel as well as being guest choir for All Saints, Hilton Head, SC, and All Souls Cathedral, Asheville, NC. The Choir has sung for Diocesan Conventions, the Charleston Chapter of the American Guild of Organists, the Society of King Charles the Martyr, and in the presence of the National Bishop of the Episcopal Church.