Christian Education

The Church of the Holy Communion strives for educational experiences and practices which enhance the lives of its members.

Catechesis of The Good Shepherd

We believe that God and the child have a unique relationship with one another particularly before the age of six and that the growth of this relationship should be assisted by the adult but is directed by the Spirit of God within the child. Children need their own place to foster the growth of that relationship.

In September of 2002, the Church of the Holy Communion began a program of Christian education called Catechesis of the Good Shepherd. This program, used worldwide, is a Montessori approach to religious education. The concepts that were discovered by Maria Montessori and later perfected by Sofia Cavalletti recognize that children learn of God and His love for them in ways very different from that of adults. From these two women who never met in life, Catechesis of the Good Shepherd began. The curriculum is divided into three levels. Throughout the different levels, themes and presentations increase in detail and sophistication as the child matures.

The Atrium of the Good Shepherd – Level One for ages 3 to 6

The 3- to 6-year-old child is particularly capable of receiving and enjoying the most essential elements of our faith: the announcement of God’s love in the person of the Good Shepherd who died and has risen. Our purpose is to help the young child develop his relationship with Jesus Christ through a wide range of interactive materials. They meet Jesus, the Good Shepherd.

The Atrium of the True Vine – Level Two for ages 6 to 9

The imagination of the older child and the concept of time are powerful stimuli to explore the past and the future. They explore the history of salvation from the redemption to the return of Jesus and the many gifts from God, especially that of his son, Jesus Christ.

The Atrium of the Parousia – Level Three for ages 9 to 12

To find their place in God’s kingdom and the world, children of this age seek to understand the plan of God in history by studying civilizations who have come before and by studying Old Testament and New Testament scripture and prophesies. The emphasis is on the unfolding generosity of God and the responsibilities that come with receiving God’s great gifts.

Little Lambs Nursery

The Little Lambs Nursery is to place to provide a warm and loving Christian environment, as well as safe, for children ages birth to 3years old. The children are involved in free play and craft activities. Snacks are provided.
Children are vitally important to our parish in so many ways. One way for the child to feel a part of this community is to experience the Mass with family. Our tradition encourages parents to pick up their children from the nursery during the Offertory so that the family can receive Communion together.
The nursery is regularly staffed by two individuals who are committed to spiritual nurturing of the children of this parish.

Adult Christian Education

HOLY COMMUNION PODCAST CLUB has resumed!  We will meet via ZOOM on Sunday evenings at 8:00 PM.

LISTEN and DISCUSS:  A spiritual or religious themed podcast will be selected each week. Listen at your leisure and come discuss on Sunday.  For more information, or if you have questions, please contact Christine Jennings at:  [email protected]

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