230th Diocesan Convention

The 230th Annual Diocesan Convention
of the Diocese of South Carolina

Friday, November 20, 2020
3 pm: A Conversation with Presiding Bishop Michael B. Curry, Gail DeCosta, and the Rev. Dr. Adam Shoemaker
Join at this link.

5:30 pm: Call to Order, First Business Session

6 pm:  Holy Eucharist with guest preacher, Presiding Bishop Curry

Saturday, November 21, 2020
8:30 am: Coffee & Conversation about Friday’s event with the Presiding Bishop (optional for all delegates)

9:30 am: Delegates asked to login for Credentials

9:40 am: Morning Prayer led by Diocesan Youth and then the Second Business Session will begin

Delegates can link to all meetings through the Diocesan App/Web App using the Livestream icon. This will only be visible to registered clergy and lay delegates. All visitors may watch the stream of the Zoom meeting through the Diocesan YouTube page at https://www.youtube.com/c/DioceseofSC

We recommend that all delegates download the Web App to their computer and log in to
the business sessions using the “Live Stream” icon. Look for the link below to download
​the Diocesan App and look for the box to “Access Web App.” Once you have logged in, you may use the “Access Web App Directly” link under “Important Links” below.


Please keep our clergy, our lay delegates, and our alternate delegates in your prayers as they attend this year’s convention.


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