Our 175th Anniversary Celebration

Last Sunday we celebrated our 175th anniversary, with Mass and a covered dish luncheon. It was a wonderful day with a joyful celebration of this momentous occasion.

A Message from Fr. Tim:

In gratitude, I wanted to take this opportunity to offer up a heartfelt thank you to all those who made the 175th Anniversary of the Church of the Holy Communion such a resounding success.  I recognize the hard work that was put into all the preparations as well as the cleanup.

As I observed, there were so many of the congregation who helped in various ways. Every time I looked around there was someone else pitching in and lifting the burden on their brothers and sisters.

It would be inappropriate for me to single out any individual and their particular contribution because there are too many who played critical roles in our splendid celebration. It was truly a community effort by everyone and all of you are to be congratulated.

May God’s blessings continue to pour down upon you for truly you are God’s children.

Fr. Tim Hushion

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