January and February 2022 Announcements & News!

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

For over fifty years the Church of the Holy Communion’s food pantry has been a staple ministry to assist those in our community. For the past two years, our Food Pantry Ministry has been especially vital in assisting our neighbors less fortunate during the pandemic. As a result, we have handed out more food than usual and have increased our deliveries. And beyond that, we have found ourselves progressively providing food outside of the regularly scheduled hours of the pantry.  Due to the rising cost of food and the needs of our neighbors, the Food Pantry Ministry is in dire need of your continued support.

How can you help?  Consider writing an additional check for $10 or $20 a month earmarked for the “food pantry”.

Many Thanks to all who have contributed monetarily and physically in working the Pantry in the past and to those who continue to do so. We have been very fortunate to have faithful and involved members of the church who regularly pick up, set up, pack bags, make deliveries, clean up and distribute every 2nd Saturday.

Give us this day our daily bread,
Deacon Jerry+


Work Day!

Saturday, January 29 from 8:00-11:00 or longer…if you are having loads of fun!

Bring gloves & tools and/or cleaning supplies and tools to work inside if too cold outside.

There’s plenty to be done in all areas!


Evensong & Benediction

at The Church of the Holy Communion

Sunday, January 30 at 4:00 p.m.

Vestry Meeting – Monday, January 31 at 6:00 p.m.

In February 2022

CHC Food Pantry, Saturday, February 12

Annual Parish Meeting, Sunday, February 13, following the 9:15 Mass

Evensong at Bishop Gadsen, Sunday, February 13 at 4:00 p.m.

Pictorial Directory, Tuesday, February 15 ~make sure you sign up! Call the church office for help.

Parish Retreat at Edisto, Friday, February 25 – Sunday, February 27



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