CHC Food Pantry, October 9

Every 2nd Saturday is Food Pantry. The next Pantry is Saturday, October 9

We are asking that you consider donating food items to help off-set food costs, such as:

p-nut butter, easy to open canned chicken or tuna, and canned veggies or fruit

Items may be left on or under the table in the hall near the Garth. To learn more about the Food Pantry please contact The Rev’d Jerry Jellico, 843-751-8108 or Michael Jones, [email protected]

Thank you for your support!!!

Many thanks to Kelley Poe and Abbey, Erica Lagerson and Alice, Mark Gould, Tim Carswell, Janet Gallagher, Andrew Young, Dawn Balsam, Skip Schumann and Anne Louise, Stephanie, Morey Lent, John Ettling, Mary Neale Berkaw, Cappy Traywick, Michael Jones, and Father Jeff for helping to serve our neighbors. And all who have donated to the Food Pantry monetarily or with food items.

 ~Deacon Jerry

“If you pour yourself out for the hungry and satisfy the desire of the afflicted, then shall your light rise in the darkness and your gloom be as the noonday.”        Isaiah 58:10


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