Catechesis of the Good Shepherd

Catechesis of the Good Shepherd
During this time of remodeling and construction the Children’s Education Ministry, The Catechesis of the Good Shepherd, is using the Parish Hall for their Atria. Each level of Catechesis of the Good Shepherd is called an Atrium, rather than a classroom.  Atrium begins on Sunday, September 11 at 10:45 and will last until 12 noon.  We invite all children ages 3 through 12 to attend. Please contact Sue Cavanaugh, or Cappy Traywick, to register our younger parishioners.

PLEASE HONOR our children by using the kitchen doorway rather than cutting through the Parish Hall for trash disposal or obtaining more ice or beverage.

Also, PLEASE BE MINDFUL that even low voices carry and many low voices soon reach a penetrating decibel that is a distraction for both students and teachers.

Once we have settled into our new homes and developed a schedule for the children, we the Catechists will welcome observers, however for the first few weeks, PLEASE HONOR the children’s space for meaningful prayer and lessons by not entering the Parish Hall.    Once we are established in a semblance of a routine, a Set of Rules for Observing in the Atria will be posted on the doors and we will invite you in to share the beauty of the Catechesis of the Good Shepherd with us.

Thank you.
Your Catechists:
Sue Cavanaugh, CGS Coordinator & Level 3 (ages 9-12)
Linda Andrews and Stephanie Jellico, Level I (ages 3-6)
Cappy Traywick, Level 2 (ages 6-9)

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